Our operational process
We use high-quality standards during our production process. Our experience, passion and certificates guarantee a transparent process with continuous monitoring and customer-focused end products as our goals.
Agro-energiek digests approximately 60,000 metric tons of energy crops, manure and residual streams from the agri-food industry on an annual basis. Residual streams from, for example, potato processing, grain residue and unpacked food are processed to produce biogas. It is an organic process where microorganisms convert organic residue into biogas at a specific temperature, degree of acidity and optimum mixing. This gas is, subsequently, stored under basically unpressurised gas membranes that are located on top of the digesters.
Phase 2: From gas to renewable electricity and heat
We, subsequently, use the biogas as biofuel for our combined heat and power motors with a power of 2.2 MWe/hour. These motors convert the biogas into renewable energy under the form of green electricity and heat. We sell the electricity to different energy suppliers who offer green energy.
Phase 3: Sanitation and quality control
Once the mix of energy crops, manure and residual streams has been fully digested, we sanitise the liquid mass by increasing the temperature during an hour until it reaches 70 °C. This ensures that remaining germs from the manure or residual streams are removed in accordance with the standards that apply in Europe. Several times a year, our company is subjected to a number of audits and sampling instances for this with the result that we have been accredited from the very beginning in accordance with European Regulation (EC) 1069/2009 and our end products carry the Vlaco and ECN QAS inspection certificates.
Phase 4: From digestate to organic manure pellet
After this sanitation process, this liquid mass, which is also called digestate, is dried with the available heat from the combined power and heat to produce a dry organic manure pellet. This is how the remaining nutrient elements are recovered and deployed for the growth of crops and plants. Thanks to the drying process, we reduce the volume of the liquid end products considerably and, consequently, also the transport.
Fase 5: Luchtwassing
The last step in the operational process is scrubbing the air from the sheds and driers in two air treatment systems. Dust and ammonia are captured from the air to, subsequently, also purify the odour particles from the process air through an organic activity. This takes place in close consultation with an environmental coordinator, the environmental inspectorate and an accredited expert to achieve the best results.
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